Monday, May 24, 2010

Homemade Facials...MAYBE not my thing?

Happy Monday! Just kidding, please don't virtually slap me. Well, today started with me oversleeping Latin class, throwing on whatever exercise clothes I had that were clean, and heading off to my 1 p.m. lecture on the political, economic, and social craze that was 1989. Starting with an all-too-brief discussion of Tiananmen Square. Have you read The Forbidden City by William Bell? Well that should give you an idea...ANYWAY, on to the rest of the day.

Probably ate too much oatmeal last night (hello seven hour drive back to school with barely any food), and woke up feeling rather discontented. Seems to be a trend with oatmeal, I rarely feel good after eating it. Non-certified gluten-free oats anyway. So perhaps the best plan is to avoid them for a while until I can find them without possible contamination. So this morning I decided to get rid of them. How? FACE MASK TIME! Now what they don't tell you is that if you aren't particularly skilled at home beauty products, like me (dabbled in homemade lip balm and lotion as a kid), oatmeal mask = cement. So here I am, with a mixture of weak coffee, lemon juice, liquid whey from the yogurt, oatmeal, and a small amount of milk turning my face into a construction site. Awesome.
Please tell me why the mound of cement paste on my face adds like a bazillion pounds to it? Cool. Not sure when to wash this off...

So after waking up in an irritated mood, not being able to find my other pair of skinny jeans, and missing Latin, I wasn't too eager to eat or drink anything except a nice pot of coffee. I know, I know, stop drinking coffee around noon, or at least by 2 p.m., but give me a break today. Hold on, give me a minute to wash the paste off my face, it's starting to get really hard! Oh boy.
Okay, so face is nice and smoothy smooth, after having to wash that off with a SPONGE. Clean of course. I would have preferred to just be able to EAT the oats, but hey, at least I didn't waste them!

So along with my pot of coffee, nourishment today has consisted of a Fuji and fifteen pushups. I do pushups every time I want to eat something, to determine whether or not I'm actually hungry. I'd do the glass of water thing, but I already drink like 289238473927 cups of tea a day anyway. So if I am legitimately hungry, I eat something and just have stronger arms/shoulders/etc.

Update on metatarsalgia. Which is officially the devil. Pain in my foot is gone (as it should be, after 2400 prescribed mg of Ibuprofen a day for ten days), for the most part, but I'm scared to jump back into running too soon. So no running for me for the next three weeks, until I'm out for summer! Hello nightmare. face is now tingling pleasantly! I hope that's okay...

So instead of running, I go crazy. I guess I'll be the most intense fan of The Fitnessista's elliptical workouts, not that I wasn't her biggest fan before! I know I currently have no readers, but one day I will, so CHECK HER OUT!

The rest of the day: ZUMBA! I missed last week's class because I went home for a Crohn's and Colitis awareness walk (my friend was diagnosed this year), and her Monday class is one behind my usual Friday sesh. It's totally packed, but she said that as long as I only do this ONCE, it's okay. So here goes, Zumba TWICE this week :] Then some pilates, just a half hour DVD.No more coffee. And oh yeah, the group paper for Psycholinguistics. Shoot me now. Just kidding, I guess I just need to sit down and write it.

Looking forward to the days when I can just run whenever I want! Soon!

PEACE AND BLESSINGS (find Tracy on YouTube. Some people should NOT have webcams.)
-Courtney :]

edit// threw in another Fuji, & a small banana with almond butter and cinnamon (cinnamon goes on EVERYTHING). Don't you hate when nothing sounds appetizing?

...& pilates may not happen, seeing as I'm still sore from weights this weekend, and Zumba was HARSH today! Dinner should be an eggbeater omelette with mixed greens, avocado, and salsa. Still haven't started my paper. Score.
Dessert: fifteen more pushups & a Fuji with almond butter and cinnamon. Some days, I just have to give up a diverse diet for the only things I can tolerate.

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